MAX_PROXY=2 # user is allowed to hold up to MAX_PROXY votes
+MOTION_WAIT_MINUTES={'hostname':'1'} # timespan between the entering of two motions
DURATION={'hostname':[3, 7, 14]} # duration period for motions
#DEBUGUSER={'hostname':'username/create:* vote:*'} # remove # at beginning of line to use local debuguser
prefix = ConfigProxy("GROUP_PREFIX")
times = ConfigProxy("DURATION")
debuguser = ConfigProxy("DEBUGUSER")
+motion_wait_minutes = ConfigProxy("MOTION_WAIT_MINUTES")
+def is_in_ratelimit(group):
+ rv = get_db().prepare("SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - posed)) AS timedifference FROM motion WHERE type=$1 AND host=$2 ORDER BY posed DESC LIMIT 1")(group,
+ if len(rv) == 0:
+ return True
+ rate_limit = motion_wait_minutes.per_host
+ if rate_limit is None:
+ rate_limit = 0
+ if rv[0]['timedifference'] > rate_limit*60:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return _('Error, time between last motion to short. The current setting is %s minute(s).') % (str(rate_limit))
def main():
if content =='':
return _('Error, missing content'), 400
+ ratelimit = is_in_ratelimit(cat)
+ if ratelimit is not True:
+ return ratelimit, 400
db = get_db()
with db.xact():
from datetime import datetime
from tests.test_basics import BasicTest
-import postgresql
from motion import app
# no specific rights required
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
self.assertIn(str.encode('Error, out of time'),
+ def test_createMotionWait(self):
+ # test no limit given
+ self.db_sampledata()
+ title='My Motion'
+ content='My body'
+ response = self.createMotion(user, title, content, '3', 'group1')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ # test different host
+ app.config.update(MOTION_WAIT_MINUTES={'':1})
+ response = self.createMotion(user, title, content, '3', 'group1')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ # test 3 minutes
+ app.config.update(MOTION_WAIT_MINUTES={'':3})
+ response = self.createMotion(user, title, content, '3', 'group1')
+ self.assertIn(str.encode('Error, time between last motion to short. The current setting is 3 minute(s).'),
class AuditMotionTests(BasicTest):
def setUp(self):